Jadrian Tan

Welcome to my digital abode! Explore the wonders of my virtual realm, where passion meets pixels and creativity thrives.

Sentiment Analysis with ML

The project analyzes customer reviews to gauge sentiment, utilizing data preprocessing and machine learning models.

Color-Based Object Detection

The project uses unique color representations to detect colorful objects in images.


A platform for USC student orgs to find and add venues for events.


Book your spot at USC's rec centers with my user-friendly Android app, ensuring efficient capacity management and timely reminders.

About Me

I am a first-gen Malaysian tech trooper, currently enrolled at the University of Southern California. I'm pursuing a B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science, and I'm on track to graduate in May 2024.

Here are some technologies I have been Working With:

  • Javascript
  • Java
  • React.js
  • Node.js
  • Python
  • C++

Outside of work, you'll find me getting a good sweat session at the gym, exploring scenic hiking trails, and fearlessly experimenting in the kitchen.

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